What you need:
Before you submit a case for remake via your CyberConnect account, ensure you have the following:
Original restoration
Original models
Original case number
Photographs and/or x-rays of the problem
New impression or intra-oral scan STL files
How to submit a remake case:
Anytime you send us a case, it needs to be submitted online via your CyberConnect account, so it is assigned a new case number. Even though the case may be a remake or an ongoing case (such as the next step in a denture), it still needs to be assigned a new case number each time it is sent to us.
Go to provider.cyberdent.com.au and complete the online prescription form via your CyberConnect account.
For a remake case, ensure you type the following in the additional records section:
'Original case number: [note original case number]'
'Remake reason: [outline the reason for the redo]'
We also recommend uploading photos or x-rays of the problem in the field provided.
Send the case with the new packing slip, the original restoration, original models, and new impression or intra-oral scan STL files and we'll take it from there.
Remake policy:
If you haven't already, review our remake policy to ensure your case qualifies as a remake.