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How to bond e.max inlays and onlays

After you’ve removed the temporary restoration. Remove any leftover temporary cement with a polishing brush and fluoride-free cleaning paste then dry the tooth surface with dry compressed air.

Next, you’ll want to try in your new restoration to confirm the shade, fit and occlusion.

When you’re done, thoroughly rinse the restoration with water and dry with compressed air. Now that you’re ready to bond your new restoration. Apply Monobond Etch & Prime on the adhesive surface using a microbrush and agitate it into the surface for 20 seconds. Allowing it to react for a further 40 seconds. Thoroughly rinse off the Monobond Etch & Prime with water and dry the restoration with compressed air for approximately 10 seconds. Next, install a rubber dam to provide a dry working field, then clean the teeth with fluoride-free paste, rinse with water, and dry with compressed air. You’re going to want to avoid over-drying the teeth. Now apply Total Etch to the prepared tooth surface. Leaving the phosphoric acid to react for 15–30 seconds on enamel. Rinse thoroughly with water for at least 5 seconds and dry with compressed air until the etched enamel surfaces appear chalky white. Next, coat the tooth surface with Adhese Universal. The adhesive must be scrubbed into the surface for at least 20 seconds. Disperse the Adhese Universal with compressed air until you get a glossy, immobile layer. Next, you’ll need to light-cure the Adhese Universal for 10 seconds before applying Variolink Esthetic DC with the applicator tip directly to the internal surface of the restoration. Now seat the restoration and hold it in place using a light, yet constant pressure. Light-cure excess material around the cement line for 2 seconds at a distance of 10 – 15 mm and remove the excess material with a scaler. Before the final curing, you’ll need to cover the restoration margins with Liquid Strip or glycerine immediately after excess removal to prevent oxygen inhibition. Light-cure the cement for at least 10 seconds per mm thickness, per segment. Rinse off the Liquid Strip or glycerine and remove the rubber dam. Adjusting the proximal areas is easy using ContacEZ polishing strips, you can then polish the restoration margins and occlusion. Finally, apply a thin film of fluoride polish and dry with compressed air.


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